And now we reach the true cause of this blog's greatly delayed start: my great dely in introducing myself. I am (un)known to the blogging world as Tweek. My exploits are also (un)known far and wide. I am the author of two blogs currently dormant, though hopefully soon to be revived. My mind loves to draw connections and disect our world in ways normal human beings don't. Few others ponder potential zombie behavior or other random social topics as intently as I. I'm fascinated by language, and love discecting it to discover the true meaning of virgin blood and what to call those wonderful wings you get from BW3's. This blog is outlet for my slight insanity. In these (web) pages, you will find discussions and debates worthy of a Kevin Smith movie.
But enough about me. For more about me and my life, check out my profile and other blogs. And so, without further ado, let the blogging begin.
P.S - There may be a little ado. Two of my fishies died today, so this is a time for mourning (one was a two-year anniversary present from my girlfriend. She told me that it was a symbol of our relationship, and when it died, so would our love...I think it's time for a Wal-Mart run).
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I so did not tell you that. I said Bernadette SAID I should tell you that. In other news, I'm looking forward to this blog beginning, so get writing!
Umm... just throwing this out there, but virgin blood should be spelled with *(Caution disclaimer/ the phrase "Virgin Blood" will be used here)* Virgin Blood * (See we warned you) *
I'm already poor enough without getting sued by some angry parent...again...
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