April 18, 2007

We're Still Alive...Just not Kicking Very Hard

Well, kicking plenty hard day to day (for the most part), just not so much on the blog part of our lives. I honestly have some desire to do more blogging, I just have lots of things I would enjoy doing with my free time and little time to do it. But that's briefly going to change, since I'm no longer employed (my own choice).

Thanks to my fellow Deep Dish Life blogger, I'm not an official Joost Beta Tester. Courtesy of Joost, I have some promotional material via their website. And just cause I'm that kinda guy, I'm gonna share all of this material with you. (If you haven't the slightest clue what I'm talking about, check out this video). Go ahead, ask if we have invites.

Joost™ the best of tv and the internetJoost™ the best of tv and the internetJoost™ the best of tv and the internetJoost™ the best of tv and the internetJoost™ the best of tv and the internetJoost™ the best of tv and the internetJoost™ the best of tv and the internetJoost™ the best of tv and the internet

EDIT: While I personally am a HUGE fan of invisible banners and banners that completely screw with how a page renders due to size conflicts, I can understand how *some* people may find that to be an annoyance. That being so, I've removed a couple of banners that fit these critera. Enjoy the almost-complete gallery anyway.